Dear exhibitors and visitors!
No PCR test is no longer required for any foreigner to enter the Russian Federation.
However, all persons arriving in Russia are still required to fill out a form posted on the Rospotrebnadzor website.
We also draw your attention to the fact that in accordance with the Federal Law every foreign citizen arriving in Russia is obliged to be registered at the place of actual accommodation in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Such registration can be completed:
at the address of the hotel or other organization providing accommodation (in this case, the hotel independently submit documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for migration registration within one working day from the date of guest’s arrival);
at the address of private accommodation where the foreign citizen actually lives (in this case, the migration registration is carried out by the owner of the property within seven working days from the date of arrival).
In case you need a visa to visit the Russian Federation, you should contact our official partner Visa-Russian.ru for consultation, choosing the optimal type of invitation and visa for the upcoming visit, as well as getting the consultation on the current rules of entry into the Russian Federation.
Please note that in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 2023, No. 2040-r, citizens of 55 foreign countries have the right to apply for an electronic visa. If your country is included in this list, we recommend using this service.